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Reverse Mortgages: Understanding the Pros and Cons

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Seniors may choose a reverse mortgage, which borrows from the equity in a house to give you cash in your hand month after month. For the vast majority of older Americans who own their homes and obtain a reverse mortgage, it will mean a stable source of income for the rest of their lives. Proceeds from sale of property after the mortgage holder is then used to repay the lender the outstanding balance of the mortgage. A reverse mortgage can be a good solution that will give you a reliable income and eliminate the stress of paying a mortgage on a fixed income. Reverse mortgages are not a good solution for those who want to take their mortgages to make them more profitable for the environment. Take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of reverse mortgages to help you understand the benefits and risks.

The Pros of Reverse Mortgages 

• You have the flexibility to choose to take charge of your own home and burn a lump sum or monthly payments and even credit limit you can use if necessary. You can also combine all of these options may be Particularly useful when unexpected household repair or illness occurs and you need a lot of money quickly in the short term.

• The money is exempt from taxes and a guaranteed income that continues until your death. 

• You can remain in your home which is very important to many of us, as we get older. 

• You can never owe more than your home’s value, regardless of the balance still owed on a mortgage at the time of your passing. 

• Home owners are not required to own their homes outright in order to qualify for a reverse mortgage, which helps if you are still paying on a mortgage. 

• At the time of your passing if your home’s value is more than the remaining balance still owed on the reverse mortgage that difference will be paid to the heirs of your estate. 

• If you decide to repay the money you have received with a reverse mortgage, you can do this without having to sell your home. 

• Medicare and Social Security incomes are not affected  by income from reverse mortgages. You will not lose your benefits by obtaining a reverse mortgage. 

• The title of your home remains in your name. 

• There are no monthly payments for you to make such as you would need to by taking out a home equity line of credit loan. 

• In a reverse of the typical considerations for determining a loan like your credit score, income, and savings: your health, age, and your home’s net value and the equity it has built up are how reverse mortgages amounts are determined. 

• You have a three day ‘buyer’s remorse’ clause of protection in case you decide against a reverse mortgage within three days of its closing. 

The Cons of Reverse Mortgages 

• Fees, interest rates, insurance, and closing costs can culminate together into quite an   mortgage that you may not want to carry at this stage in your life. 

• You must be at least 62 years of age in order to qualify for a reverse mortgage. 

• The heirs to your estate may receive   because there was a greater balance owed on the mortgage than the proceeds from the sale of your real estate netted. 

• Failing to keep up with your property taxes, home insurance, and repair costs could lead to you having to pay back your reverse mortgage early. 

• If you are the holder of a mortgage at the time of acquiring a reverse mortgage, the amount you still owe on your mortgage is added into the amount of your reverse mortgage. 

• If you sell your home or move to another residence, you will have to pay your reverse mortgage back. A reverse mortgage loan is paid prior to heirs receiving money from your estate upon your passing as well. 

• There are caps in place that limit how much you money you can borrow with a reverse mortgage. 

• Reverse mortgages are typically more expensive than other types of mortgages. 

• You must meet with a mortgage counselor prior to getting approval on a reverse mortgage loan. 

• Refinancing a reverse mortgage after the three day ‘buyer’s remorse’ period has expired can be expensive and difficult to accomplish. 

Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages associated with reverse mortgages, you may now more easily be able to decide if a reverse mortgage is the best solution for you.